2008. szeptember 7., vasárnap

Updates : Batlefield 2

I had registered my game with the company when i first bought it but was amazed to know that i was getting a free upgrade to the game for free.
I got it on the email and accepted the offer and i had to fill out my address and so on and said that i should receive a new cd in a week or two with lots more maps and weapons :D Anyways, free stuffs are always fun but i love battle field games.
Just the online play tho. I hate to play it offline as all the challenges i get are computer. human touch to the game is totally different and your playing with someone who can shoot u back , unlike the computer programmed shooters who you can easily fool like the time i went from back of the guy and shot him and he never looked back. Game programmers need to really think about all this.

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