2008. február 23., szombat

Tales of Tamar presented on RPC 2008

The Role Play Convention 2008 (RPC) takes place on April 26th/27th this year in Münster/Germany. Of course not without an eventful stand of the successful turn based medieval multiplayer strategy game Tales of Tamar.

You will experience a facinating journey into the medieval fantasy world Tamar as well as interesting and interactive information about the game.

Immerse yourself in an impressive world with other players, elves, undeads and many other creatures. Turn on your strategic abilities.

Visit us on the RPC in Münster and experience a fun-to-play game as though you were in it.
Every already active player receives 50 rounds for free by visiting our stand as a thank-you!

You will find us in “Halle Süd” (southern hall).

More information about the medieval role play game Tales of Tamar you can find here:
www. tamar.net

Last Updated ( Friday, 22 February 2008 )

Dune PBeM Recruiting!

Arrakis, Dune, desert planet...

Based on Frank Herbert's award winning science fiction novels in the original Dune series, Dune PBeM is a forum-based RPG with players taking control of a noble family, one of the enigmatic Great Schools, or one of the Fremen Sietches on Arrakis.

Registered players take on the role of a noble House of the Landsraad, or one of the prestigious Great Schools, or one of the Fremen Sietches of Arrakis, and through political manoeuvring, intrigue, and even warfare, better themselves against their foes.
We use the original Frank Herbert books, and the Dune Encyclopedia, as canonical source material: players are free to draw inspiration from the Prequels but that material is not considered canon (e.g. there is no such thing as a House Vernius).

We have been running for six years continually, having started in 2002: no small achievement for a free PBeM. The game began with the in-story year of 10.180: our timeline diverges from established Dune history at that point. The game has an extensive history of some five years: some of this background story is available within our very own Rakis Hoard.

The Forum
We have an active forum where most of the game's activity takes place. Fans of Dune are more than welcome to stop by at our sietch to discuss the Dune novels.

Joining the Game
If you would like to join the PBeM then first check our Players List to see if there is a vacancy. If a position is available then please fill our our Sign Up Form.
Please note that the turnaround can be slow at times; the complexity of the game means we'd rather wait and be patient than sacrifice quality in our storytelling - we are therefore only interested in players who wish to participate for the long term.

The Rules
Our rulebook is restricted to registered players only but if you would like to know more about the game before joining then please contact the GMThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Last Updated ( Thursday, 24 January 2008 )

World of Lagas started !

Lagas – the Islands of Heroes is a turn-based, open-ended computer moderated play-by-email RPG. This is the renaissance of the classic pbem games, and we offer you to play with us in this game, that has the richest textual, design, and role-playing content of all pbem rpgs.

We are a circle of friends, who have decided to create a world for you, in which you can enjoy your spare time, even if you do not have enough. Here, you will have the time to manage your character and your turns, but most of all; you may think what and why to do in this world. This game is a massively multiplayer email role-playing game, played via email. In this game you will have to think your moves thoroughly, and in a great variety, instead of in the well-known MMO-RPGs, which devour a lot of your time, and the most common task for you will be is to kill a few dozens of monsters as fast as possible. Our goal is not that. Besides, that the game is rather focused on the role-playing aspect, we would like you to think on the game between two turns, how to optimize and build the best character available, and to make new relationships with other players and adventurers on our forums and chat.

You do not have to give up role-playing, dreaming of a fantasy world, your hobby. If you have to go to work, or attend to your school, or you have to take care of your family, and you feel a romantic desire towards this world this is a great opportunity for you to let yourself go for a while, and feel yourself safe again in a world that separates you from the ordinary days.

What is the most important thing in this game, to have a good time?
The love of Fantasy. The wish, to disconnect from the ordinary days of life. Total enthusiasm towards your created character. And office, or a school where you can dream of all these...:)

At the beginning, the game will be free, so that you can try it,
and only from after the 4th turn will you have to pay a small fee of 2,5 USD / turn.

How can You play with Lagas?
First of all, if you think you like Lagas, You have to check the introductions under the online rolebook, where we will show you, how can you register,or create a caracter and fill the online application form, and we have a sample turn to show you, how does the first turn look like in this game.

In order to appeal to you, our small team is continuously trying to make the website look better, to make the game more and more exciting and diverse, and for you to have many other adventurers by your side.
We hope that you will enjoy yourselves in this new world, in our game. We shall do everything for these. If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to write to the following addresses: faq@worldoflagas.com.This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it We will try to help you immediately, since it is also our best interest that the game goes flawless and fluent.

We wish you a pleasant stay in the World of Lagas : Ggot, Rita, Miri, Dolby, Dhojaktra, Caleb
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 January 2008 )


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